Driver Software
KI-VISA is an original VISA library developed by Kikusui Electronics Corporation that sup-
ports the VXIplug&play VISA specifications. It is included in the CD-ROM. You can also
download the most recent version of this library from the Kikusui Electronics Corporation
website (http://www.kikusui.co.jp/en/download/).
If NI-VISA or Keysight VISA is already installed on your PC, you do not need to install KI-
Control using an IVI driver
About IVI
Interchangeable Virtual Instrument (IVI) contains specifications used to standardize measur-
ing instrument drivers for testing and measurement in manufacturing sites. IVI is built on the
VISA hardware driver. IVI has an interface that most programming languages, such as .NET,
COM, and DLL libraries, can call in a standard manner.
The IVI instrument can be configured with a management utility such as National Instruments
Measurement and Automation Explorer (MAX) program or the Keysight Technologies I/O
Libraries. It is also possible to configure IVI using option parameters in a program.
The following advantages are available for system designers.
To save time in learning commands for a new IVI instrument, common functions are
standardized. There is no need to learn SCPI commands for the PAV.
Designers can run code in simulation mode even when instruments are not connected.
Status check is performed automatically to see if the settings of each instrument will be
Wrappers allow easy connection to a variety of programming environments on Win-
IVI drivers are compatible. Instruments can be switched without changing the program.
IVI support
For information on IVI, visit the following website.
Explanation for using IVI in various programming languages is provided in the “IVI Get-
ting Started Guide” available at the IVI Foundation homepage.