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Audio Adjustment Commands
Audio Output adjustment ranges:
Volume = 00-96
(80 =default)
Bass, Treble & Middle Frequencies =00-24
(12 = default)
Balance = 00-40
(20 = default)
Lip Sync (Delay) = 00-99
(00 = default) each increment = 5.5ms
Volume Default
To return the Output Volume of a specific Output number to the default level:
Press R1, enter the desired Output number, press the ‘Volume’ button, and then R3.
To return the Output Volume of Output 2 to the default setting,
Volume Level
To adjust the Output Volume for a specific Output number: Press R1, enter the desired
Output number, press the ‘Volume’ button, then enter the Value desired.
To set the Volume level of Output 2 to 40, press;
IR Extender:
You may also want to use an IR extender, such as the KD-IRKIT300: A rear panel sensor is available
for use with the IR extender. A wired IR serial connector is also provided. Mount the IR extender on
the side of the KD-MSA8X8Pro unit, or connect the serial connector cable.
Connecting Block
Back of the Unit
Wired IR Extender
3.5mm male-to-male
mono cable
Wired IR Extender KD-IRB3099 Unit Uses a 3.5mm male-to-male Mono cable
RS-232 Commands:
The KD-MSA8X8Pro provides access to all functions when used with an RS-232 control system.
For a complete list of all available RS-232 commands please see the “Technical” section at www.
Connection protocol is as follows:
Baud rate: 57,600
Data Bits: 8
Parity: None
Stop Bits: 1
Flow Control: None
Pin 5 – Ground
Pin 3 – Receive
Pin 2 – Transmit
RS-232 cable pin out