Source: DIN 31051:
reduction in useful life (4.3.4),
caused by chemical and/or physical processes.
Weight of ready-to-ride bicycle
Source: ZEG:
the indicated weight for a ready-to-
ride bicycle refers to the weight of a pedelec at the
time of sale. The weight of each additional
accessory must be added to this weight.
Source: EN 15194:2017:
assembly or
combination of hub, spokes or disc, and rim, but
excluding tyre assembly.
Work environment
Source: EN ISO 9000:2015:
set of conditions
under which work is performed
Year of manufacture
Source: ZEG:
the year of manufacture is the year
in which the Pedelec was manufactured. The
production period is always from August to July of
the following year
Young adult bicycle
Source: EN-ISO 4210-2:
bicycle designed for use
on public roads by a young adult whose weight is
less than 40 kg, with maximum saddle height of
635 mm or more and less than 750 mm. (see
ISO 4210).