This PBG7 system is a state of the art avalanche pulser utilising a series parallel
array of avalanche stacks coupled with various transformers to generate a large single output
amplitude of
45kV into 50
The instrument consists of five 19” rack mounting modules which should be
mounted into a single 19” enclosure that prevents access to the rear panel connectors. These
1. PBG7 control and trigger module
2. Four channel delay module
3. PBG5 four channel trigger module
4. PBG7 45kV output module
5. PBG7 HV power supply module
The system can be operated in each of three configurations:-
PBG1 configuration
. One output signal is taken from the 6kV output on the PBG7 control
and trigger module, the other four modules are disconnected and not used.
PBG5 configuration
. Four output signals are taken from the four 12kV outputs on the PBG5
four channel trigger module. The PBG7 control and trigger module, Four channel delay module
and PBG5 four channel trigger module are used, the other two modules are unused and
PBG7 configuration
. One output signal is taken from the 45kV output on the PBG7 45kV
output module. All modules are used except the four channel delay module which should
always remain powered down but must remain in circuit to preserve correct trigger timing.
Note that for each configuration it is necessary to configure both hardware and software - see