PBG7 Pulser System Serial No. xxxxx
This equipment is a scientific research tool that has been intentionally designed to generate
short high energy ultrawideband electromagnetic pulses and the EM emissions will be highly
sensitive to the load applied by the user. It is suitable for use only in a sealed electromagnetic
or laboratory environment, unless it is used in a system that has been verified by the system
builder to comply with EC directive 89/336/EEC. It will interfere with and may damage
sensitive equipment in the local environment. Use of this equipment outside of a sealed
electromagnetic or laboratory environment may result in prosecution. This equipment must
not be used or operated in a domestic environment or as part of a safety critical or life support
With an appropriate load, and when fitted into a suitable 19” rack system that prevents
access to the rear panel connectors, the unit is safe for use by personnel with relevant
technical qualifications and UWB training in a laboratory environment . You are warned
however that the radiation from the system with an antenna or inappropriate load attached
can damage sensitive equipment and corrupt data stored in computer and microprocessor
based systems including aeronautical and other safety critical systems. It can cause terminal
failure of vital medical electronic systems such as pacemakers and other life support systems
and it can inhibit and damage communications systems. The main 45kV 150ps output is likely
to be particularly damaging but the 12kV 100ps and 6kV 100ps outputs must also be treated
with caution.
This equipment is supplied on the understanding that the user will analyse these risks, accept
responsibility for them and take appropriate precautions in the use of this instrument.
The pulse outputs from this pulse generator will destroy most types of power attenuators and
electronic test equipment. It is the users responsibility to ensure that any apparatus connected
to the output is suitably rated.
Kentech Instruments Ltd accepts no responsibility for any damage or liabilities incurred in the
operation of this equipment.
The system contains 120W of 4kV power supplies, this can cause death or injury from burns