DEL4 V1.0 Software
The microprocessor used is a Hitachi H8/532 running a FORTH operating system and it is
programmed in the FORTH programming language. It is not necessary to have any knowledge
of the H8 or FORTH to operate the delay generator.
a) Run page
On power up or on entering LOCAL mode from remote, the unit will briefly display the
“Kentech Instruments” banner and then the run page:-
Entry# = 0
Edit delays... >
d1= 225 d2= 500
d3= 350 d4= 425
The cursor initially will be under Entry# as shown. From here one can either:-
1) Edit the entry number - press
to edit the entry number using
to select
the appropriate digit then
to increment or decrement.
2) Move to delay edit page 1 - press
to get the cursor under Edit then
to enter the
delay edit page 1.
The delays d1 to d4 are not directly editable from the run page.
b) delay edit page 1
The display will indicate that the current entry number and invite you to save changes made in
delay edit page 2 (see below).
<Edit entry# 1...>
Save= NO
The cursor initially will be under Entry# as shown. From here one can either:-
1) Move to delay edit page 2 - press
2) Save changes previously made in delay edit page 2 into EEPROM - press
to get the