The PBG7 control and trigger module
is 3U high and contains the microprocessor and low
voltage trigger electronics and a PBG1 type pulse output board generating approx 6kV
amplitude into 50
with a risetime <150ps. In PBG5 or PBG7 configurations the output must
be connected using the short N to N type 50
conformable cable provided to the internal 4
way splitter. This generates 4 approximately simultaneous trigger signals to be used to trigger
the PBG5 four channel trigger module. The rear panel has a female 9 way D type connector for
RS232 to an optional computer and a male 9 way D connector which is for system control. In
PBG5 or PBG7 configurations the sysytem control should be connected to the PBG5 four
channel trigger module using the screened D to D type lead provided. There are also one IEC
power inlet and two IEC power outlets which should be used to power the PBG5 four channel
trigger module and PBG7 HV power supply module.
The four channel delay module
is 3U high and sits between the PBG7 control and trigger
module and the PBG5 four channel trigger module. Except in PBG1 configuration it should be
connected to both these modules using the 8 BNC to BNC cables provided. It’s function is to
allow independent variation of the delay of the 4 trigger signals in PBG5 configuration to allow
beam steering using a 4 element antenna array. In PBG7 configuration the delay module is not
used and should remain connected via the 8 BNC to BNC cables but powered down. This
module is completely independent of the rest of the system, it has it’s own microprocessor with
RS232 connection and power input on the rear panel and no connection to the system control
PBG5 four channel trigger module
is 6U high. It has four BNC trigger inputs and four high
voltage HN pulse outputs of approx 12kV amplitude into 50
. In PBG7 configuration these
outputs are used to trigger the PBG7 45kV output module using the 4 HN to HN cables
provided. In PBG5 configuration the outputs can be used to drive an antenna array. The IEC
power input must be connected to an outlet on the PBG7 control and trigger module. The 9
way D type control link connectors are daisy chained together, one must be connected to the
PBG7 control and trigger module and one to the PBG7 HV power supply module.
PBG7 45kV output module
is 9U high. It has four HN 12kV trigger inputs and one pulse
output of approx 45kV amplitude using a special Kentech connector. On the rear panel are six
multiway connectors and two D type connectors which must be connected to the PBG7 HV
power supply module using the cables provided.
PBG7 HV power supply module
is 3U high. The six multiway and two D type connectors on