It is suggested the following items be checked sometime during the first six
months operation of the disc.
□ Check the entire disc for loose or missing hardware.
□ Check for broken or damaged parts. Make necessary repairs.
□ Re-torque the hardware with special attention to the gang axle nuts and locks.
□ Safety chain is properly installed and undamaged.
□ If possible, run the disc to insure it is functioning properly.
□ Check the bearing wear plates are present and not excessively worn.
□ Visually check the oil-bath bearing for leaks. If parked unused for a long period in extreme weather
conditions, there may be seepage due to expansion and contraction of the metal duo-cone seals. This
condition will correct itself when the disc is operated. Lost oil should be replaced before operation.
□ Review the entire Operators Manual with the customer and stress the importance of proper and regular
lubrication and safety precautions.
□ Advise the customer of optional attachments that are available.
Date Checked_________________________ Signature_____________________________________________________
□ Lubricate items required daily and those whose lubrication time is due.
□ Look for loose or missing bolts and parts.
□ Check hydraulic system for leaks and abraded hoses.
□ Check tire pressures and wheel lug nuts.
□ Check all pins have retaining hardware in place.
□ Check all oil-bath bearing assemblies for leaks. Check bearing wear plates are present.
□ Be sure all gang components are tight on the axles and axle nuts are tight and axle locks are present.
□ Be sure recommended lubrication is performed.
□ Inspect all oil-bath bearing assemblies are tight and dry and if wear plates need replacement.
□ Check hydraulic system for proper operation and leakage.
□ Check tire pressures and wheel lug nuts. Check for end play in wheel bearings and repack if necessary.
□ Be sure proper operating adjustments have been made for your conditions.