Unpacking and Inspecting a Board
Setup and Installation
This section describes how to unwrap and inspect your board, install the
software, configure your board, create a configuration file, install the
board cabling, and install your board in the computer. These tasks are
described in the subsections that follow.
Unpacking and Inspecting a Board
After removing the wrapped board from its outer shipping carton,
proceed as follows:
1. Your PIO-SSR Series board is packaged at the factory in an anti-static
wrapper that must not be removed until you have discharged any
static electricity by either of the following methods:
If you are equipped with a wrist grounding strap, you discharge
static electricity as soon as you hold the wrapped board.
If you are not equipped with a wrist grounding strap, discharge
static electricity by holding the wrapped board in one hand while
placing your other hand firmly on a metal portion of the computer
chassis (your computer must be turned off, but grounded).
2. Carefully unwrap the board from its anti-static wrapping material.
(Store the wrapping material for future use.)
3. Inspect the board for signs of damage; if damage is apparent, return
the board to the factory. (See
Technical Support
on page 7-6).
4. Check the contents of your package against the packing list; report
any missing items to the factory immediately.
5. If inspection is satisfactory, proceed to install the software.
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