Setup and Installation
Installing and Configuring DriverLINX
As a precaution against a system crash the first time you
install and test any new hardware, you should exit all other programs and,
if you use a disk cache, disable write caching. If the system does crash
and you re using disk compression software or a disk cache utility, as a
precaution after any crash, run the utility that checks the directory
Before you begin installing any hardware or software for the
PIO-SSR, read the
DriverLINX Installation and Configuration Guide
Using DriverLINX with your Hardware Keithley PIO Series
manuals that are packaged with the DriverLINX software. They are
accessed from the DriverLINX CD-ROM after you have installed Adobe
Before Installing DriverLINX
1. Inventory your PIO-SSR board’s configuration settings.
2. Determine the resources your PIO-SSR board requires.
3. Inventory your computer’s resources already allocated to other
installed devices.
4. Determine whether your computer has sufficient resources for your
PIO-SSR board.
5. Determine whether your PIO-SSR board can use your computer’s
free resources.
6. Set any jumpers/switches to configure your PIO-SSR board to use
your computer’s free resources.
7. Set any other jumpers/switches to configure your PIO-SSR board as
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