Configuring a Board
Be sure to note and follow all programming differences between
installations for Windows NT and Windows 95/98.
Typically, base addresses between 300h and 370h are available for
use. However, keep in mind that a network board, a sound board, a
CD-ROM, or other data acquisition board may use a base address within
this space.
DriverLINX allows you to set base addresses between 200h and 3F0h
only. Therefore, if you are using your PIO-SSR board with software that
requires a configuration file, you must specify an even boundary of four
I/O addresses within the range of 200h to 3F8h.
Configuring a Board
Keithley configures your PIO-SSR Series board by presetting a base I/O
address and an IRQ level. While the factory settings are suitable for most
installations, ensure these settings are not already in use by other devices
in your computer. If your board requires reconfiguration, you must set a
new base address and/or select a new IRQ level by setting the
base-address switches and IRQ-level jumper. These components are
located as shown in Figure 3-1.
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