Ultra Operation Manual
Neuromuscular Stimulation has been used for many years to stimulate muscle
and nerve fi bres to treat a number of muscle and nerve related conditions. Over
the last 30 years numerous clinical trials and papers have been written.
The Kegel8
Ultra is one of a new breed of modern Neuromuscular
Stimulators which Verity Medical have developed with the Therapist and
Patient in mind. Our principle aim is to design products that have high levels of
functional use, are sensibly priced, compact and user friendly.
The Kegel8
Ultra is a dual channel device combining several treatment
programmes into one unit. Neuromuscular Stimulation is increasingly
understood by Therapists and Doctors. There is a better understanding of the
mechanisms which exist between nerves and muscles that makes it possible
to stimulate the neuromuscular system with precise electrical signals. The
Ultra off ers precision giving full control of Pulse Widths, Rates, Ramp
up times, Work / Rest cycles as well as alternating or synchronous application
if two channels are being applied.
Customer Care
We welcome constructive comments regarding our equipment particularly
those that might help us to improve existing features, add new ones or develop
new products for the future.
What is STIM?