Safety Buzzer
Other Features
A1407PT is equipped with the Safety Buzzer function.
The Safety Buzzer will go off at a very large volume.
If you press down for more than 3 seconds while your P1407PT handset is open,
this will release the Safety Buzzer. In order to stop the buzzer, open the handset
and enter the Lock No.
Safety Buzzer
The Safety Buzzer function is set at [OFF] when you purchase your handset.
In order to use the safety buzzer function, you need to set this up while the
phone is on normal mode.
For details, please refer to “Other Features” section, “How to sound the Safety
Buzzer” in the attached “Manual”.
Safety Buzzer can only be sounded when the phone is in waiting mode.
Safety Buzzer will keep sounding until the battery pack is removed or the
battery goes flat.
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Other Features