Please enter area code as well if
you are calling a landline number.
If you press (Call), you can
select whether to send the
callerʼs number [186] or withhold
the callerʼs number [184]
通話̲p26-28.qxd 06.7.21 10:27 AM ページ26
Making and Answering Calls
Making and Answering Calls
Making a Call
Press on the
standby screen and enter
the number of the person
you want to call.
Press .
When you finish your call,
press .
●How to make a call using Bone Conduction speakers.
Enter the number you would like to call on the standby screen, then
press →When the other person answers the call, fold up the cellphone→
Place the bone conduction speakers near your ears and speak→When you
finish your call, press (Side key) down for a while→or, you can finish the
call by opening the cellphone and pressing during the call.(→P66)