● Some information site will charge you for the information.
● Screen layout is one example and this may change without prior notice.
Accessing the au one top Menu
You can access EZweb from the top screen, and enjoy various useful
and enjoyable sites.
キーワード検索機能(Key word search function)
Gives you function to search using key words
カテゴリ検索(Category search function)
Searches sites by category
Top news)
Offers the latest news updated automatically
最新オススメ情報(Latest recommendation)
Useful promotion information and recommended site contents
are featured
とくする情報(Profitable information)
Gives give-away and discount information to all EZweb subscribers
for free
デイリーツール(Daily tools)
Weather forecast, horoscope and other daily information and
traffic information
ニュース&ビジネス(News & Business)
Gives useful information such as news and weather, and other
latest information
エリアガイド(Area guide)
Offers regional information
Useful information that helps your life
ショッピング&オークション(Shopping and auction)
Offers shopping information you can use from your cellphone,
and easy-to-access auction information
SNS, blogs and other fun information
Latest information on game, music and book, and other hobby and
entertainment related trend information
au one My Page
Various information and useful tools, data storage area and more
according to your cellphone usage.
au style
Recommendation from au
auお客さまサポート(au Customer Support)
Fee information, various application forms, au online manuals and
other information from au
カンタンアクセス・オープンサイト(Easy access and open site)
Introduces easy access and open sites
Introductes English language sites
Disaster Message Board)
Registration and checking for Disaster Message Board
ID registration)
Registration of au one ID to use with your PC and WIN cellphone
for au one services.