Instructions for use MASTERtorque LUX M9000 L COLOR - 1.007.9900 MASTERtorque LUX M9000 L COLOR -
7 Reprocessing steps in accordance with ISO 17664 | 7.5 Packaging
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See also:
Instructions for use KaVo SPRAYrotor
7.4.4 Servicing with KaVo QUATTROcare
QUATTROcare 2104 / 2104 A is no longer included in the current de-
livery programme.
Follow-up product:
Servicing and cleaning device with expansion pressure for the interior cleaning
of inorganic residues and optimum care.
(no validated cleaning of the interior according to German Robert Koch Institute
(RKI) requirements)
KaVo recommends servicing the product as part of the reprocessing after each
use, i.e. after each cleaning, disinfection, and before each sterilisation.
Remove the tool from the medical device.
Service the product in the QUATTROcare.
See also:
Instructions for use KaVo QUATTROcare 2104 / 2104A / 2124A
Servicing the clamping chuck
KaVo recommends servicing the chucking system once weekly.
Remove the tool from the medical device.
Plug the spray nipple of the chuck servicing set onto the QUATTROcare plus
Position the tip of the spray nipple in the opening, and apply the spray.
Press the spray key for 1 to 2 seconds.
7.5 Packaging
The sterilisation bag must be large enough for the instrument so that the bag
is not stretched.
The quality and use of the sterilisation packaging must comply with applic-
able standards and be suitable for the sterilisation procedure!
The medical device must be packed before sterilisation.