Communication Timing
A communication timing parameter can be configured for the KT-NCC in a WAN architecture. This
parameter determines the communication frequency (latency period) between the EntraPass server and
the KT-NCC. This parameter will be adjusted based on the complexity and size of the network. For
example, when the network architecture is simple, a communication timing will be set to faster. On the
other hand, when the network architecture is large and complex a slower communication timing will be
more appropriate. It is important for the communication timing to be well configured in order to avoid
communication breakdowns.
The following table contains the parameters that will be defined in EntraPass Global Edition Software.
Table 5:
KT-NCC Communication Timings
Once again, we suggest that you consult the Network Administrator in order to measure the complexity
of the network architecture where you will install the KT-NCC.
Communication timing
Very fast
Latency period: max 300 ms
Latency period: max 800 ms
Latency period: max 1500 ms
Latency period: max 2500 ms
Very slow
Latency period: max 4000 ms
Extremely slow
Latency period: max 6000 ms