PART NO: 860029-001
Last Revised 01/06/15
This differential configuration achieves its high resolution by eliminating the noise and drift any
intervening summation and Log amplifiers normally add to the system.
Maximum performance depends upon advanced sensor technology. Factors critical to the high
resolution of the KD-5100 are tighter manufacturing control, using significantly larger coils for a
given range of operation, and electrically matching the sensors.
By using electrically matched sensors on opposing legs of the same bridge, temperature effects
common to the sensors and cabling of a differential sensor pair tend to be cancelled. This is
true for the mechanical aspects of the sensor/target system also. Assuming the thermal
characteristics of each sensor track together, slight changes in sensor length due to
temperature tend to be cancelled.
To optimize the performance of a KD-5100 system, a high (d) to (s) ratio is desired: (d) is the
sensor coil diameter and (s) includes: the null gap, the positive measuring range, and ½ of the
coil depth (Figure 2).
Figure 2 Sensor and Target Geometry