PART NO: 860029-001
Last Revised 01/06/15
KD-5100 systems are shipped from the factory pre-calibrated for a user specified measuring
range, sensitivity, and target material. They do not normally require calibration or re-calibration.
However, some applications may require the availability of this option.
The calibration procedure is very simple. However, it requires an accurate dimensional
standard and a stable environment.
Some considerations……
Dimensional Standard:
To calibrate, a dimensional standard (micrometer, laser
interferometer, a weight to provide a known deflection, etc.) is required. This should be a
standard known to be accurate and repeatable. Whether measuring in mils, microns, micro-
radians, etc., a means of accurately positioning the target, using the dimensional standard, to
the desired measurement units is required.
Kaman Precision Products uses a laser interferometer as a primary dimensional standard for
Recalibration to a sensitivity and/or measuring range significantly different
from the factory calibration may not be possible. For example, if you purchased a standard
system calibrated 0 to 9 volts over a 9 mil measuring range (1V/mil) and attempted to
recalibrate for 9 volts over a 3 mil measuring range (3V/mil) there may not be sufficient gain
adjustment to do this. These units are built with component values selected for each
application. Therefore, changes in measuring range, sensitivity, or target material may not be
possible and will require reconfiguration by Kaman Precision Products.
Thermal Equilibrium:
The mounting/cover plate helps maintain thermal equilibrium
inside the module and acts as a heat sink for the hybrid circuit. The hybrid has two watts of
power to it and needs the cover plate for heat sinking. The calibration controls are located
inside the unit and the cover plate must be removed to access them. Removing the cover plate
removes its heat sinking function. Calibrating with the cover off and then reinstalling it will
cause enough of a thermal gradient to throw the calibration off.
Kaman’s solution is to use a cover plate with access holes for the calibration controls. This
plate is available as an accessory from Kaman.
You may either obtain a calibration cover plate from Kaman or fabricate one from 0.062” thick
aluminum. Dimensions and location of the holes are shown in Figure 13.