PART NO: 860029-001
Last Revised 01/06/15
11.1 Guidelines
The sensors should be positioned at the null gap using the Electrical Nulling Procedure. This
installation procedure is the preferred method. Though both sensors may be positioned
mechanically, this can cause a cumulative error. By electrically positioning the second sensor
of a pair using system output, any existing error is self-canceling.
Install the sensors so that only the target interacts with the sensor’s field. This means no
conductive material other than the target within a circle around the sensor that is three times the
sensor’s diameter. The sensor field radiates in all directions. (Figure 12). Excessive back
loading can also be a problem.
Be careful not to damage the sensor coil during this procedure
Figure 12 Sensor Field
11.2 Procedure
This procedure assumes the electronics are installed in the application fixture.
The sensor coil is mounted at the face of both sensors. For purposes of mechanical nulling,
measure distance from the sensor face. For electrical nulling, the null gap is referenced to the
electrical centerline, which is one half of the coil depth (½D, Figure 9).
11.2.1 Verify the target is in the null position.
11.2.2 Install the first sensor of a pair (start with S3) in the application fixture. Using a
dimensional standard, precisely locate the sensor at the null gap specified at time of
order. Secure the sensor and recheck its position.