PART NO: 860029-001
Last Revised 01/06/15
Figure 13 Calibration Cover Dimensions
(see Figure 6 for additional cover plate dimensions)
12.1 Equipment Required
A dimensional standard
A regulated ± 15 VDC power supply
A voltmeter accurate to one millivolt or better
An insulated adjusting tool (“tweaker”) Kaman P/N 823977-T007
A calibration cover plate
: When performing a system calibration, it is preferable to have the system
installed in the application fixture at normal operating temperatures. This eliminates any
shift in system output caused by moving the system from a calibration fixture to the
application fixture (translation error).
12.2 Calibration Procedure Overview
Calibration involves the following steps:
Null the Target
Monitor the output of axis 1 - Adjust for 0.000 V output
Move the target to full displacement – Adjust for full output voltage
Return the target to the null position and check for an output of 0V±10mV
Repeat for axis 2
The following information details these five steps.