KaiCong—Nothing important than safety!
5.3 list of special preset points.
(1) Main list:
No.65~99 are system special preset points.
No. of preset point (calling)
Function description
NO. 65
Enter the dome’s system configuration
No. 66
Enter the types of camera configuration
No. 67
Enter IR controlling configuration
No. 68
Enter the entrance of starting rotate scan
No. 69
Enter the entrance of starting sweep scan
No. 70
Enter the entrance of starting preset point cruise
No. 71
Enter the entrance of starting pattern scan
No. 72~73
No. 74
Enter the entrance of setting soft address
No. 75
Enter the entrance of setting camera parameter
No. 76
No. 77
Cancel the photo’s image
No. 78
photo’s image
No. 79
Restoration of dome
No. 80~94
No. 95
Enter the menu
No. 96~99