3.8.5 Regular generator inspections
➤ Adhere to the given inspection intervals for safe generator operation:
■ Daily check by authorised personnel:
─ Insulation monitor function check.
■ Annual inspection by trained and authorised electrician:
─ Visual check for mechanical damage to the generator and control box.
─ Visual check for damage to the insulation of connecting cables.
─ Earth conductor check.
─ Insulation resistance measurement.
─ Earth conductor current measurement.
─ Leakage current measurement.
─ Generator function check.
─ Check the generator fan and clean if necessary.
─ Check all screwed connections on the generator and control box and tighten if necessary.
─ Check that all warning and other labels are complete ands undamaged.
3.9 Emergencies
3.9.1 Correct fire fighting
Suitable extinguishing agents:
■ Foam
■ Carbon dioxide
■ Sand or earth
Unsuitable extinguishing agents:
■ Strong jet of water
1. Keep calm.
2. Give the alarm.
3. Shut down the machine from the instrument panel if possible.
4. To ensure safety:
■ warn persons in danger
■ help incapacitated persons
■ close the doors
5. Try to extinguish the fire if you have the skill to do so.
3.9.2 Contact with operating fluids/materials
The following operating fluids/materials are in the machine:
■ Fuel
■ Engine coolant
■ Battery electrolyte
■ Lubricating oil
■ Compressor cooling oil
Safety and Responsibility
Service Manual Screw Compressor
No.: 9_6975 00 E