Material Compressed air
Water or steam jet blaster
Precondition Machine placed over a washing point equipped with an oil separator.
The machine is shut down.
Machine cooled down.
The machine is fully vented, the pressure gauge reads 0 bar.
All compressed air consumers are disconnected and the air outlet valves are open.
The «battery isolating switch» is off.
Damage to the machine can be caused by water or steam jets.
Direct water or steam jets can damage or destroy electrical components and indicating instruments.
➤ Cover up electrical components such as the control cubicle, alternator, starter and instruments.
➤ Do not direct water or steam jets at sensitive components such as alternator, starter or indicating
Fig. 71 Cooler/radiator cleaning
Front end of compressor, sound insulation
(radiator grill) removed
Direction of impacting water or steam jet
(from outside to inside).
Oil cooler
Air cooler
1. Open both doors.
2. Seal off the air intakes of the engine and compressor air filters before starting cleaning.
3. Remove the sound damping louver in front of the cooler/radiator.
4. Clean the cooling fins with compressed air, water or steam jet in the opposite direction to the
cooling air flow (from inside to outside).
5. Replace the sound damping louver.
6. Remove the protective coverings from the air filters.
7. Switch the «battery isolating switch» on again.
8. Close the doors.
9. Start the machine and run up to operating temperature so that excess water is evaporated.
10 Maintenance
10.6 Cleaning the coolers and radiator
Service Manual Screw Compressor
No.: 9_6975 00 E