Acknowledging alarm messages
An alarm message is displayed and:
■ the machine is shut down and cannot be restarted,
■ The «Information» and «Stop» keys are illuminated.
■ The «Acknowledge» key flashes.
Precondition Alarm rectified
➤ Confirm the message with the «Acknowledge» key.
The «Information» and «Stop» and «Acknowledge» keys are illuminated.
Acknowledging warning and maintenance messages
A fault warning message or notification of maintenance due is displayed, and:
■ The «Information» key illuminates,
■ The «Acknowledge» key flashes.
Precondition The cause of the warning is rectified
Maintenance is carried out
➤ Confirm the message with the «Acknowledge» key.
The «Acknowledge» key is extinguished but the «Information» key is still illuminated.
The «Information» key continues to be illuminated when the machine is restarted until the
fault is rectified or maintenance carried out.
Maintenance acknowledgement is only possible with a password.
Resetting maintenance interval counters
Each maintenance interval counter must be separately reset. Only the counter currently displayed
can be reset.
Precondition Maintenance is carried out
1. Enter the password for level 1 (renter level) or higher.
2. Simultaneously press and hold the «Acknowledge» and «Enter» keys for 2 seconds.
The displayed maintenance interval counter will be reset.
8.5 Displaying machine operating data
Precondition Controller switched on
<Main menu => engine operating data – compressor> selected.
Displaying machine operating data
No.: 9_6975 00 E
Service Manual Screw Compressor