Instruction Manual
Section Five
C For tilthead grinders,
adjust the quill
swivel bracket to the desired primary
clearance angle. Mount the toothrest
assembly from below the wheel on the
quill housing bracket as shown in
Photo 22 so that the end of the blade
is approximately at the center of the
cup wheel on the left side; set it at
the same angle as the wheel face.
Some red marking may be applied to
the end of the toothrest blade, and a
cutter tooth may be traversed over
this to determine the point of con
tact. Adjust the toothrest blade so
that the spot where red is removed is
centered on the wheel edge, and so
that the blade is no further than about .004 inch from the wheel As explained
in ll-B above, place the center height gauge on the table, and raise or lower
the Wheelhead until the blade end of the toothrest is on the same horizontal
plane as the center of the cutter or tailstocks (Photo 21).
A. Position a tooth of the cutter against the toothrest blade and traverse the
table the full length of the cutter. In most cases, the cutter will be held
by means of the workholding arbor with the left hand, and the table traversed
with the right. Set a table stop for the exact length of table movement that
it takes to pass the cutter tooth just beyond the wheel cutting edge, but not
so far as to allow the cutter to fall off the toothrest blade.
B. Start the Wheelhead motor and proceed as above, lightly touching one tooth
for its full length. Then rotate the cutter 180 degrees and grind on the opposite
tooth. Check these two teeth for taper with micrometers or indicators. If
taper is present, adjust the swivel table adjustment screws at the right side
of table. Continue this general procedure until no taper results.
C. Continue to grind all teeth in succession until they appear sharp. To assure round
ness, start grinding a different tooth after each full revolution of the cutter.
D. Secondary Clearance:
For tilthead grinders,
adjust the quill swivel bracket to the desired sec
ondary clearance angle. Raise the column of the machine (the entire wheel-
head) until the point of contact on the toothrest is again on center with
the cutter. Grind the secondary clearance angle on all the cutter teeth
in the same manner as for the primary clearance, but only to a degree
which leaves the primary land between
of an inch in width,
leave the toothrest in the same position as for
grinding the primary clearance, but raise (or lower) the Wheelhead the re
quired amount for the secondary clearance to equal that existing on the
cutter. Consult table II, page 105 if a specific secondary clearance is in
dicated. Grind all secondary clearance angles as above, leaving the re
quired primary land width. (Page 20 shows below center toothrest location.)
E. Stop Wheelhead motor and remove cutter for final inspection. Most small
and medium cutters should not have more than .0005 inch run-out on the