Changing Default Username/Password for Authentication
As mentioned in the section Authentication the default username/password for authentication is:
Login Name: jvc
Login Password: skaarhoj
This can be changed via a Device Core Options:
Index 0:
Sets username (maximum characters = 9)
Index 1:
Sets Password
(maximum characters = 9)
Index 2:
Sets port
Notice for the RM-LP250S and RM-LP250M the Device Core option strings have
been set on the
default configurations. This makes the procedure less error-prone.
String for RM-LP250S: D0:0="jvc";D0:1="skaarhoj";D0:2=80
String for RM-LP250M:
Example 1:
Setting us password could look like this device configuration code in the generic form:
A example could be
Where username is set to: bryan and password set to: 1234567
The general form of Device Core options are “Dx:y=z” where “x” is the number of the device core as
installed on the controller (starting with zero for the first device core), “y” the index number and “z” the
value for that index.
To confirm that a device configuration is in fact detected by the controller, please check it out on the serial
monitor where it will be mentioned:
Example: If the JVC device core is the first like below: