Resolved Issues in JUNOS Release 10.1 for M Series, MX Series, and T Series
Class of Service
When you set the port speed of a multirate SONET Type 2 PIC to OC3, the
class-of-service (CoS) speed value is not changed correctly within the Packet
Forwarding Engine. The speed value remains OC12, which results in unexpected
CoS behavior. There is no workaround. [PR/279617: This issue has been resolved.]
If a logical interface is configured or added to an interface set for which an
existing traffic control profile is applied, any rate-limit functionality will not be
applied to the new logical interface. To resolve this problem, deactivate and
activate the interface portion of the class-of-service configuration. [PR/485872:
This issue has been resolved.]
On an Ichip-based platform for strict high priority queue (SHQ), the buffer size
allocated by the Packet Forwarding Engine is capped by the tx-rate. If the tx-rate
is configured to a very small value or is not configured, and is automatically
allotted a zero or a very small remaining value; the queue is also allotted a
proportionately small delay buffer. This can sometimes lead to Red and Tail
drops on the SHQ when there is a burst of traffic (with a certain traffic pattern)
on it. As a workaround, configure a nominal tx-rate value (5 percent) for the
SHQ. [PR/509513: This issue has been resolved.]
On M Series and T Series routers, the forwarding class information is lost when
the packet enters the GRE tunnel with clear-dont-fragment-bit enabled.
Additionally, on an Enhanced FPC or M120 FEB, the packet is also likely to be
dropped if it is classified to a packet loss priority (PLP) other than low.
[PR/514162: This issue has been resolved.]
In a scaled configuration, the class-of-service classifier does not work properly.
[PR/522840: This issue has been resolved.]
Forwarding and Sampling
Policers cannot be modified after a system upgrade due to a flaw in the parser
routine. This error occurs when the current item is deleted and the parser cannot
proceed to the next item. With the fix, the routine in the forwarding process
(dwfd) has been modified so that the next item in the object tree is fetched before
the current object is parsed. [PR/433418: This issue has been resolved.]
When an unified ISSU is performed for JUNOS Release 10.0 through 10.2, the
T640-FPC4-ES crashes continuously. [PR/518301: This issue has been resolved.]
When a filter with an ip-options "any" firewall match is applied on an interface
on the MX-MPC, the filter is not applied. If the hardware is present at the time
of the configuration commit, a commit warning is issued. However, the commit
does not fail and the rest of the configuration is applied. [PR/524519: This issue
has been resolved.]
On T640 and T1600 routers with ST chipset FPCs, in some cases when the IPv6
firewall filters with match conditions configured on address prefixes is longer
than 64 bits, the filter may not be evaluated correctly. This might lead to loss of
packets. [PR/524809: This issue has been resolved.]
Issues in JUNOS Release 10.1 for M Series, MX Series, and T Series Routers
JUNOS 10.1 Software Release Notes