JOSAM laser AM
Measuring system
Hang frame gauges, gauge extensions, and
measuring scales. Jack up the axle so that you can
spin the wheel. Attach the wheel adapter on the
wheel (wheels). Attach the laser projector on the
axle of the wheel adapter. The guide pin should
run in the groove. Turn the knob so that rotating
the laser projector meets with some resistance.
The measuring scales are to be placed 2–4 meters
from the laser projector. The measuring scales can
be placed on the floor if the distance is less than 2
meters or more than 4 meters. When the distance
is too short or too long between the measuring
scales and the laser projector, the measurements
are not as exact.
A Place the laser projector parallel with the
adjustment arm. Rotate the wheel and aim the
laser dot at the measuring scale.
Read the indicated value (for example 95)
Value A. Write down the result.
B Rotate the wheel a half turn (180
) and aim the
laser dot at the measuring scale.
Read the indicated value (for example 55)
Value B.
Adjust with the “white” knob (1) so that the laser
dot hits right between A and B at C. The value is
75 in this example.
C Rotate the wheel a quarter turn (90
). Adjust with
the “black” knob (2) until the laser dot hits the
earlier value C75. Rotate the wheel and check
to make sure the laser dot has not “wandered” to
the side. Repeat the adjustment if the laser dot
If value A is less than value B carry out the
adjustment according to the same principle.
Compensate for run-out of the wheel rim
Adj. arm