Version OS 1.0
This function requires some preparation and is only intended for restoring the Alpha
Base to factory defaults. On the Jomox website you can find a zip folder that contains
all factory samples:
Download and unzip this file to your computer and store all files to the root directory of
your SD card. In this case it must be the root directory. All files are indexed raw files
like ABWV****.raw in ascending order: ABWV0001.raw, ABWV0002.raw, a.s.f.
Also there are the files ABPR0000.BIN and ABSQ0000.BIN, which contain the factory
presets and patterns.
If you enter this function, the Alpha Base starts to read and copy all found indexed raw
files to the corresponding flash sample slots and finally copies the preset and sequence
files to permanent flash memory. This takes about 15 minutes. After that, the Alpha
Base is in factory condition.
9.10 Load Backup File and Restore Presets and Patterns
Go right with the cursor and you enter this page:
Load backup file restore
presets&pattern Load=Ent
This function can restore a formerly created backup file in case you have destroyed
some of your presets and stored them to flash memory (shift 1, 3), for instance.
and if the backup file exists, it copies all its contents to the preset and
pattern memories.
As the Alpha Base has a flash-based permanent memory which needs to mute the
instruments while the cpu is writing a flash memory block, there is a RAM quick store
function for either presets and patterns: Click 15 & Click 16. We recommend using
these quick store functions to save your presets and patterns during your work flow.
But, similar to a computer, you should not forget to store the RAM to flash memory with
(shift 1, 3) before you turn off the machine or all your work will be gone.
For this reason, we have added a hidden backup function that shuts down the Alpha
Base before you turn off (shift 16). The function copies all RAM contents to the
permament flash memory and then creates a backup file if the SD card drive is present.
Only then are you asked to turn off the machine.
ALPHA BASE Operating Manual