Version OS 1.0
then the file is written. If not, a new file with the mentioned index number is created,
e.g. ABSQ0003.BIN.
One sequence file contains all 64 patterns - 16 patterns x 4 banks - with all the
automation data like pitch sequence and p-locks (not preset/sound data).
9.8 Load OS System file
Go right with the cursor and you enter this page:
Load OS System File
If in the current directory there is an OS system file called <AlphaBas.bin>, it is shown
in the display. You can find this file on the Jomox website:
You have to download and copy this file to the SD card.
In order to update your Alpha Base with the most recent OS file, press
. The
display shows:
Attention OS Update!
Are you sure? Load=Ent
Now press
again. The updating process starts and the system file gets copied
to flash memory. During this process, you MUST NOT turn off the Alpha Base! After a
few seconds the display reads:
Programming finished
Turn unit off and on
Now please turn the Alpha Base off and on again and see the new version number in
the display on next booting.
9.9 Restore all Flash Samples and Memory
Go right with the cursor and you enter this page:
Load all flash samples &
wipe out memory Load=Ent
ALPHA BASE Operating Manual