Version OS 1.0
7.2.5 SMP Page 3 A (only MM Filter Instruments Clap, Rim, Crash and Ride)
This page only describes the multimode filter section and applies to the four
instruments Clap, Rim, Crash and Ride. A 12dB analog multimode filter capable of full
resonance has three outputs: low pass, high pass and band pass. The router (see block
diagram 46) selects the signal that is led through the final VCA. As the multimode filter
works precisely and covers the whole audio range from 10Hz – 20kHz, it can be used as
oscillator sound source as well if it is in full resonance mode.
C Cut o f R e s
E vAmt R o u t
P O55
O 6 3
O O 1 Cutoff
< 000-127 >
Controls the cutoff frequency of the filter. Depending on the kind of filter (see
Routing), the frequencies of the input spectrum are cut above (LP), below (HP) or
besides (BP) the cutoff frequency. The resonance also affects the slope (steepness) of
the filter. If the filter is in self-resonating mode, the cutoff frequency controls the pitch
of the whistling tone. Res = Resonance
< 000-127 >
Controls the resonance. Above about <085>, the filter starts to oscillate and creates a
whistling tone. If no sample or metal noise is applied, the resonating filter can be used
as oscillator sound source in order to create stick, conga or tom tom like tones. EvAmt = Envelope Amount < 000-127 >
This parameter controls the envelope amount. The envelope creates a cutoff
modulation over time. The amount determines how strongly the envelope bends the
filter cutoff.
ALPHA BASE Operating Manual