Version OS 1.0
1.1.4 Hi Hat
Two of these six channels are reserved for Hi Hats and make use of a proven and
improved HH filter already used in the XBASE 999. It is specialized for analog Hi Hats
and can conjure brilliantly sounding Hi Hats from a sample mixed with metallic noise.
1.1.5 Clap, Rim, Crash, Ride
The succeeding four channels have each a resonance-capable 2-pole multimode filter
that can be switched between LP, HP and BP. The filter cutoff can be modulated by an
ADSR envelope and an LFO per instrument. If the filter is self-oscillating, one can create
wonderful analog toms, claves, sticks etc. by means of the VCA envelope behind. Or
even bend samples to their sonic limits. In principle, each of the four MM filter sample
channels is a little synth voice on its own. A sampled synth bass run through the analog
filter is nearly indistinguishable from a real analog synth.
1.1.6 X Sample 1+2
Moreover, there are two sample instruments that work purely digitally. It's even
possible for Alpha Base to sample external audio on these channels for up to 5 seconds,
which is more than enough for drum samples. The recorded sample can be stored on
SD card or be copied to the internal flash memory and then be played back by the other
sample channels. Samples can also be copied from SD card into flash memory. The
format is RAW/WAV mono 16 Bit / 48kHz. The internal organization divides samples into
fixed memory slots that can be addressed by the parameter sample select in the
instruments. All samples can be pitched and modulated across a wide range. The
sample start and stop points can be edited and samples are loopable as well.
Modulation targets are: pitch, filter cutoff and volume, for which each channel has its
own LFO.
1.1.7 FM Synth
As a little digital gadget we have added a mini FM synth. With 4 operators and
maximum 6 voices it can create everything from weird and crazy percussion sounds
down to simple chords. Played over an external midi keyboard, it can be used as a
polyphonic synth.
ALPHA BASE Operating Manual