Version OS 1.0
6.1.5 KD Page 4 A
K LFWa v L F R a t L F I nt Vo l
O 1 O
O O 5
1 2 7 LFWav = LFO Wave
< 000-063 >
Selects the LFO (Low Frequency Oscillator) Waveform. The LFO is used to modulate the
pitch of the kick drum VCO. By default, the Alpha Base contains a set of 64 LFO
Waveforms. The first 16 waveforms are: saw +/-, tr/-, sine +/-, rectified sine
+/-, first halfwave sine +/-, second halfwave sine +/-, faded sine +/-, rec/-.
The factory LFO wave set is contained in ABWV0300.raw. As the LFO waveforms are
short samples, the user can theoretically create his own LFO waveforms. One has to
edit the waveforms with a sample-precise wave editor. Each waveform is exactly 256
samples long. How to upload them is described in section DISK. LFRat = LFO Rate
< 000-127 >
LFO Rate controls the speed of the LFO. LFInt = LFO Intensity
< 000-127 >
LFO Intensity controls the amount of modulation. Zero turns the modulation off. Vol = Volume
< 000-127 >
Controls the volume of the instrument.
ALPHA BASE Operating Manual