A.0500.601 – Atex IM -TG G/H/MAG/SRT/08.00 EN (01/2021)
1.9.2 Monitoring TG MAG
Surface temperature monitoring is always of extreme importance in the following areas, see
figure 2:
When operating TG MAG pumps in potentially explosive areas the temperature
on the separation can (L2) must be monitored permanently (see IM “
temperature censor on can”)
Furthermore we recommend to monitore the surface temperatures on the bearing bracket
(L3) and on the front cover (L1) if the good functioning and maximum allowable surface
temperatures cannot be ensured by regular inspection by the operator.
The temperature monitoring equipment must fulfill the requirements of ATEX 114.
Fig 2 – Indication of monitoring possibilities and advised locations
L1 – Surface temperature of the pump casing at the front cover
L2 – Surface temperature on the separation can
L3 – Surface temperature at the ball bearing area of the bearing bracket
The maximum allowable surface temperature of L1 and L2 refers to T
The maximum allowable surface temperature of L3 refers to the maxium temperature
of the bearing bracket.
Additional vibration monitoring can be useful to detect exessive vibrations, indicating
premature failure of the ball bearings or internal wear in follwing areas:
V1 – internal areas at the pump front
V2 – ball bearings at the bearing bracket
Furthermore we recommend to monitor the power consumption of the drive motor to
detect slipping of the magnetic coupling in case of failure of the pump or if the break-away
torque of the magnetic coupling is exceeded due to changing operating parameters.