A.0500.601 – Atex IM -TG G/H/MAG/SRT/08.00 EN (01/2021)
1.10 Residual risks
List of residual risks (after risk analysis according to EN ISO 80079-36).
1.10.1 List of residual risks for TG GS, GP, GM, H and SRT
Potential ignition source
Measures applied to prevent the source
becoming effective
protection used
Exposed to
hot surfaces
of pump
The customer has to ensure that the
temperature of the pump liquid does not
exceed the permissible temperature.
EN ISO 80079-36
Additionally, the operator has to ensure
the operating limits for speed, flow and
pressure are not exceeded.
User Instructions
Excessive heat
The customer has to ensure a minimum
flow through the pump to evacuate
generated heat or has to monitor the pump
casing temperature.
EN ISO 80079-36
User Instructions
Exposed to
hot surface
of bearing
The bearing bracket must be freely
exposed to the atmosphere to allow
cooling of the surfaces. The operator
must regularly check the tmperature for
good operation and the temperature of
the bearing externals. The grease selected
must be suitable for the ambient and
working conditions.
EN ISO 80079-36
EN ISO 80079-37
User Instructions
Internal high
and/or sparks
Dry running is excluded from normal
EN ISO 80079-37
§5.6 & §5.7
The operator has to ensure that the pump
runs with the shaft sealing chamber filled
with the pumped liquid during start, normal
operation and shut-off.
User Instructions
heat at
shaft sealing
-packed gland type
-triple lip-seal
The operator has to ensure good
lubrication of the packing rings and must
regularly inspect the surface temperature
and function. Lip-seal running surfaces
must be greased in order to prevent any
dry-run. The temperature of the shaft bush
must be monitored.
EN ISO 80079-37
User Instructions
heat at
shaft sealing,
seal type
The customer has to follow the specific
instructions for the mechanical seal type
in the instruction manual or/and separate
certificate instructions if present.
Single and double mechanical seals with
quench are to be protected by controlling
the quench liquid.
EN ISO 80079-37
User Instructions
sparks caused by
contact between
rotating shaft
and stationary
seal gland
Shaft gland materials are made from
stainless steel to minImize spark risks
(cold sparks).
EN ISO 80079-36
Pump may not run dry. Excessive wear of
shaft bearings and internals must be
prevented through adequate maintenance.
User Instructions
Customer should provide earth
connections or equipotential bridges in
case of indirect risks.
EN ISO 80079-36
User Instructions
• For category 2, the risks at “normal operation” and those at “expected malfunction” have
to be controlled.
• For category 3, the risks at “normal operation” have to be controlled.