Chapter 11.0 UK Compliance Statement
11.0 UK Compliance Statement
In the UK this product is suitable for use in systems installed to conform to PD 6662:2017 at Grade
3 and environmental class II with the following notification options: A, B, C, D, E.
Where HS3032, HS3128, and HS3248 are used with a single path signaling method (such as the
Integrated Digital Dialer), please note the following limitation:
Your attention is drawn to the fact that failure or compromise of single path signaling cannot be
passed to the police. While the failure persists, subsequent alarms cannot be notified to the alarm
receiving centre and passed to the police.
Setting Methods
The HS3032, HS3128, and HS3248 are capable of supporting the completion of the full setting
procedure by the following methods:
a) push button switch, mounted outside the supervised premises; or b) protective switch (i.e., door
contact) fitted to the final exit door of the alarmed premises or area. The setting procedure is a
two-stage process of initiating the setting procedure within the supervised premises (e.g., using Mini
Prox Tag (MPT) or user code) followed by completion of setting by one of the two methods
mentioned above. Please check with the Installer which method has been enabled for your system.
Unsetting Methods
The HS3032, HS3128, and HS3248 are capable of supporting the following unsetting methods in
accordance with BS8243:
6.4.2 Prevention of entry to the supervised premises before the alarm system is unset. Unsetting
using remote key before entering the supervised premises causes or permits the initial entry door to
be unlocked.
6.4.5 Completion of unsetting using a digital key (e.g., MPT or PG8929, PG8939, PG8949) either
before entering the protected premises (use PG8929, PG8939, PG8949) or after entering the
protected premises (use MPT). The entry delay is activated if the initial entry door is opened before
the HS3032, HS3128, HS3248 has been unset. During the entry time, it is possible to unset the
alarm system using a digital key only. Complete unsetting before programmed entry delay expires.
If using a remote device to remotely set/unset your intruder alarm system, your attention is drawn to
the fact that whenever a premises is unattended but its intruder alarm system(s) is (are) not fully
set, any related insurance cover might be inoperative. For advice on this matter, it is recommended
that you consult your insurer(s).”
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