Thermostat Zone Controller / LCD Touch Screen
TEC - 3620
©2016 Johnson Controls | The performance specifications are nominal and conform to acceptable industry standards. For applications at conditions beyond these specifications, consult the local
Johnson Controls office. Johnson Controls, Inc. shall not be liable for damages resulting from misapplication or misuse of its products.
© 2016 AirFixture, LLC
Installation / Operation Manual
TEC3000 Series On/Off or Floating Fan Coil and Zoning Thermostat Controllers with Dehumidification
Capability Installation Instructions
When the door is open, motion detected by the sensor
is ignored. Note that opening the door does not stop an
Occupied period that was started by the motion sensor
prior to opening the door.
The polarity of the inputs are provided in Table 5.
Aux Control
The TEC has an auxiliary output that can be configured
to operate in a few different ways. The Aux Mode
supports seven different options:
Not Used – Output is always off
Occupied NO – Output is normally open, but closes
when occupied
Occupied NC – Output is normally closed, but
closes when occupied
Occupied Fan NO – Output is normally open, but is
closed when occupied with the fan running
Occupied Fan NC – Output is normally closed, but
is open when occupied with the fan running
On – Output is turned on (relay closed), used by a
BAS to directly control the AUX output
Off – Output is turned off (relay open), used by a
BAS to directly control the AUX output
To set the Aux Mode:
1. Press the Menu icon.
2. Press
Control Setup
3. Press
4. Press
Aux Mode
and set accordingly.
5. Press
to save and
to return to the
previous screen.
This option is also exposed to the BAS through the
point AUX-MODE.
When the Reheat installed parameter is set to True, the
Aux output is used for Reheat Output. The setting for
the Aux Mode is ignored when reheat is enabled.
Commissioning Mode
The thermostat controller has a built-in commissioning
mode, designed to allow you to quickly test equipment
wiring and functionality. Commissioning mode
temporarily disables the control logic, allowing you to
manually command any individual output.
Commissioning is designed to be the last step of the
installation process after configuring the controller for
the equipment being controlled, and the available
options in commissioning mode are dependent on the
controller configuration. To enter commissioning mode:
1. Press the Menu icon.
2. Select
3. Confirm that the selection was intentional. (The
control is overridden upon selecting Confirm).
Individual outputs can be commanded through this
interface. For binary outputs, the options are Off or On,
and for analog outputs, they can be commanded from 0
to 100%. Whenever a control output is turned on, the
fan is engaged for safety purposes. To command an
output from the Commissioning menu:
1. Select the output to command. Adjust the value to
the desired output and press
. The output
immediately changes to that value.
Table 5: Input Polarities
BI Configuration
Contact Open
Contact Closed
Temp Occ
No Trigger Active
Temporary Occupancy Trigger
Motion NO
No Motion Detected, Standby
Motion Detected, Occupied
Motion NC
Motion Detected, Occupied
No Motion Detected, Standby
Dirty Filter
Dirty Filter Alarm Inactive
Dirty Filter Alarm
Service Alarm Inactive
Service Alarm
Fan Lock
No Airflow
Open Door
Door Open, Unoccupied
Door Closed, Occupied
Open Window
Window Open, Control Shut Down
Window Closed, Control Running
Configurations that support both BI’s to be configured for the same feature of the action that occurs when
either of the BI’s enter that state.