Thermostat Zone Controller / LCD Touch Screen
TEC - 3620
©2016 Johnson Controls | The performance specifications are nominal and conform to acceptable industry standards. For applications at conditions beyond these specifications, consult the local
Johnson Controls office. Johnson Controls, Inc. shall not be liable for damages resulting from misapplication or misuse of its products.
© 2016 AirFixture, LLC
Installation / Operation Manual
TEC3000 Series On/Off or Floating Fan Coil and Zoning Thermostat Controllers with Dehumidification
Capability Installation Instructions
Setting the Fan Mode - Fan Coil Only
The Fan Mode informs the controller how to handle the
fan. There are two options for fan configuration: a Fan
Mode available to the installer through the menu
system, and a fan override optionally available to the
end-user. See
Customizing the Home Screen
information on enabling /disabling end-user controls.
The Fan Mode available to the installer provides the
following options:
On – Fan is continuously on.
Auto – Fan cycles on demand with the controller
entering cooling, heating, or dehumidification
Smart – Fan cycles on demand with the controller
entering cooling or heating modes during
unoccupied periods, but is continuously running
during occupied and standby periods.
The Fan Override icon on the previous screen provides
the following options:
On – Overrides the fan to be continuously on.
Auto – follows the behavior set as Fan Mode.
Quiet – follows the behavior set as Fan Mode, but
prevents the fan from ever going above minimum
speed. The Quiet option has no effect on
equipment with single-speed fans.
To set the Fan Mode:
1. Press the Menu icon.
2. Press
Control Setup.
3. Press
4. Press
Fan Mode
and select On, Auto or Smart.
5. Press
to save and
to return to the
previous screen.
Pressure-Dependent VAV systems and 2-pipe fan coils
require changeover detection in order to switch
seasonal operation between heating and cooling
modes. The TEC supports the following methods for
changeover: automatic changeover using an analog
sensor (thermistor), automatic changeover using a
binary switch, or remote changeover from a BAS.
For automatic changeover, a supply temperature
sensor or switch must be connected to the COS input
of the TEC. Changeover Mode must be set to Auto,
and Supply Temp Type must be set for Analog Sensor,
Cooling N.C. (cooling when switch is closed), or
Heating N.C. (heating when switch is closed). When an
analog sensor is used, the changeover setpoint can be
adjusted. The changeover logic applies a 10-degree
Fahrenheit differential to the setpoint. The system
switches to cooling mode when the temperature drops
below the changeover setpoint, and remains in cooling
mode until the measured temperature has risen 10
degrees above the changeover setpoint.
To configure automatic changeover:
1. Press the Menu icon.
2. Press
Equipment Setup
3. Press
4. Press
Changeover Mode
and select Auto.
5. Press
Supply Temp Type to Analog Sensor
Cooling N.C.,
Heating N.C.
6. If using an Analog Supply Temp Sensor, press
Supply Temp Type
and adjust accordingly.
7. Press
to save and
to return to the
previous screen.
Additionally, the thermostat controller supports manual
changeover. To configure manual changeover:
1. Press the Menu icon.
2. Press
Equipment Setup
3. Press
4. Press
5. Press
Changeover Mode
and select Heating or
6. Press
to save and
to return to the
previous screen.
You need to ensure that the Supply Temp type is set to
Analog Sensor. The Changeover Mode is also exposed
to the BAS through the CGOVR-MODE and can be
commanded from the BAS.