Thermostat Zone Controller / LCD Touch Screen
TEC - 3620
©2016 Johnson Controls | The performance specifications are nominal and conform to acceptable industry standards. For applications at conditions beyond these specifications, consult the local
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© 2016 AirFixture, LLC
Installation / Operation Manual
TEC3000 Series On/Off or Floating Fan Coil and Zoning Thermostat Controllers with Dehumidification
Capability Installation Instructions
On 2-pipe/VAV systems without an automatic
changeover, or on 4-pipe systems, you can use COS
as a monitor only point for reading an analog sensor.
By setting the controller in 4-pipe mode, or selecting
Heating or Cooling for Changeover Mode, the
controller defaults to monitor-only mode for the COS
and expose the value to the network as the supply
Dehumidification Control - Fan Coil Only
The TEC3000 controller support dehumidification
control on fan coil devices under three configurations:
4-pipe fan coil
4-pipe fan coil with reheat
2-pipe fan coil (with changeover in cooling mode)
with reheat
For optimal dehumidification performance, a 4-pipe unit
with floating/incremental or 0 to 10 V control and a
multi-speed or variable-speed fan is recommended.
Dehumidification operates when the zone humidity
increases above the zone humidity setpoint and the
controller is in the Idle or Cooling state.
Dehumidification does not operate during heating, and
stops if the zone temperature drops below the heating
setpoint. When dehumidification is active, the cooling
device controls to the humidity setpoint, and the
heating device reheats the zone in order to keep the
temperature at the cooling setpoint. While in the
dehumidification mode, a multi-speed or
variable-speed fan runs at the lowest possible speed to
maximize condensation and moisture removal across
the cooling coil.
To enable dehumidification control:
1. Press the Menu icon.
2. Press
Control Setup
3. Press
4. Press
Dehum Enable
and select Yes.
5. Press
to save and
to return to the
previous screen.
This point is also exposed to the BAS through the point
To adjust the dehumidification setpoint:
1. Press the Menu icon.
2. Press
3. Press
and adjust accordingly.
4. Press
to save and
to return to the
previous screen.
This point is also exposed to the BAS through the point
Temperature Setpoints
The thermostat controller provides a flexible setpoint
configuration to give power to the building owner while
being easy to use by the occupant. There are six
temperature setpoints on the TEC, in addition to a
simple up/down offset adjustment on the home screen
for the occupant. The six temperature setpoints are
Cooling and Heating setpoints for Occupied,
Unoccupied and Standby modes. To set these
1. Press the Menu icon.
2. Press
3. Select the setpoint to adjust and change as
4. Press
to save and
to return to the
previous screen.
The TEC enforces a 2-degree deadband
between heating and cooling setpoints. If a setpoint is
set in a way that violates this standard (for example,
cooling setpoint is set to 70 with a heating setpoint
already set to 70), the opposing setpoint is modified to
comply with this deadband (in the previous example,
the heating setpoint would automatically change to 68).
The occupant has access to an up/down adjustment
from the home screen. This adjustment applies a fixed
offset (+/-) to the currently active setpoint, and this
offset holds until the occupancy state of the controller
changes. If the user taps the setpoint on the home
screen, the icon inverts and displays white text on a
black icon. The offset is held throughout all occupancy
periods. For example, if the cooler is cooling in
Occupied mode to an occupied cooling setpoint of 72,
and you raise the setpoint 2 degrees to 74 from the
home screen and then select hold, the +2 degree offset
persists through an occupancy change. If the
occupancy then changes to unoccupied, with a setpoint
of 80 degrees, the effective setpoint is 82 degrees. This
allows the occupant to have a small amount of control
over raising or lowering the temperature, but the
building owner can still set back setpoints during
standby and unoccupied periods. When the setpoint is
in Hold mode, pressing the icon again releases the
hold and immediately sets the setpoint offset back to 0.