Network Room Module Technical Bulletin
Network Room Module Parameters (Room Sensor Object)
detailed list of the variables and properties of the NRM. The names of the
network variables and configuration properties appear in boldface type
throughout this document.
After a power failure, the NRM restarts using the values in its
configuration properties and any setpoint changes or fan speed overrides
are cancelled. In particular, if you set the
Setpoint Configuration
absolute, you should also set the
Default Absolute Setpoint
for the
controlled space in case of a power interruption. The factory set value is
21°C (70°F).
The NRM models with display are factory-configured to show space
temperature. The models with the fan speed override function are
configured for three-speed fan control. As soon as you connect the NRM
to a controller with a configured Room Sensor object, the properties in the
Room Sensor object transmit to the NRM and replace the factory set
You can change the setpoint temperature by rotating the dial. The space
setpoint value appears and blinks for a few seconds, waiting for a change.
The NRM then confirms the change to the controller and displays the
space temperature again (if enabled).
In models with the fan speed override function, you can change the fan
speed by pressing the fan push button. The fan status display cycles
through the steps AUTO, OFF, Low Speed, Medium Speed, and High
Speed, according to the fan configuration.
If you set the
Enable Space Temperature Display
configuration property
to disabled (OFF), the NRM always shows the space setpoint temperature
and does not show the actual space temperature.
The network variable output
Space Temperature Output
always sends its internal space temperature value, even if the space
temperature does not appear.
Depending on the values of the
Setpoint Configuration
Temperature Units
configuration properties, the display shows either the
absolute setpoint or the setpoint offset. The absolute setpoint is stored in
Setpoint Output (Absolute)
network variable output. The setpoint
offset is stored in the
Setpoint Output (Offset)
network variable output.
Some space setpoint temperature display examples are shown in Figure 4
and Figure 5.