Network Room Module Technical Bulletin
Introduction to Network Room
Module (NRM)
Network Room Modules (NRMs) are electronic, wall-mountable
temperature sensors designed to be used with the Facility Explorer field
See the Specifications and Ordering Codes section for details
about compatible controllers.
All NRM models monitor room or space temperature. In addition, you can
order NRMs with a backlit Liquid Crystal Display (LCD) to display the
room temperature and local setpoint. Graphical display symbols can
indicate fan speed selection and the need for maintenance. Optional
operating controls include a dial to locally adjust the space temperature
setpoint, a push button to manually override the fan speed, and a push
button to select Fahrenheit (°F) and Celsius (°C) units of measure.
The NRM connects to the Remote Display link of the Facility Explorer
field controller. Terminals are located in the mounting base for ease of
wiring. The NRM is enclosed in an attractively styled plastic housing,
which easily mounts on a wall.
Figure 1: Network Room Modules