© 2017 Jetta Corporation
All rights reserved. REV 0/2017
1(800) 288-7771
Why will my jet motor not turn on or off?
The GFCI could be tripped. Confirm that the receptacle is working by plugging in a hairdryer or light. If the receptacle is operational, check to
ensure that the red tubing is attached firmly to the bottom of the On/Off switch button body as well as to the back of the motor. The On/Off
button is operated by a puff of air traveling down this line.
Why is the same amount of water not coming out of all of my jets?
All Elite, Designer, Classic and Walk-In tubs have jets with adjustable water volume control to provide specific intensity to each area of the
body. The intensity can be controlled by turning the jet to the right for increased water flow or to the left for decreased water flow. Please
note that our Advantage and Affinity lines do not have adjustable water volume jets.
Can I adjust the whirl pattern coming from the jets on the back of my tub?
Jetta Designer and Elite baths come standard with rotational jets at the back of the tub. These jets are designed to disperse water in a whirl
pattern. To reduce the whirl pattern, use your finger to adjust the center of the jet nozzle to the center of the jet body. To increase the whirl
pattern, move the jet nozzle to the outer ring of the jet body. Please note that our Classic, Walk-In, Advantage and Affinity lines do not have
rotational jets.
Why does the water flow not increase through the jets even though I am adjusting them?
There could be debris caught in the jet. The jet body on our Classic, Designer, Elite and Walk-In tubs can be removed by rotating to the left
until the tabs clear the openings. When reinstalling the jet, insert the tabs into the openings and turn to the right until you hear the jet click
into place. Please note that the jets on our Affinity and Advantage lines are unable to be adjusted and/or removed for cleaning.
Can I remove my jets for cleaning?
The jets in Jetta’s Classic, Designer, and Elite tubs can be removed and placed in the dishwasher for cleaning. To remove the jets, turn the
outer ring counter clockwise past the point of resistance until you hear a click. Pull the jet straight out to remove. To reinstall the jet, insert
the jet body into the housing and turn to the right until you hear a click.
Can I use Epsom or bath salts, bubble bath or bath oils in my tub?
We do not recommend using salts with the whirlpool or air feature as the salt crystals may get stuck in the jets, air holes, plumbing lines or
pump. Additionally, the acrylic may discolor due to use of bath salts.
We recommend using only bubble bath that is water soluble with the soaker hydrotherapy only so as not to leave a residue in the plumbing
or air lines of your tub. We do not recommend using bubble bath or any oil-based bath products while your whirlpool or air system is in use.
Why will my air blower not turn on?
The GFCI could be tripped. Confirm that the receptacle is working by plugging in a hairdryer or light. If the outlet is operational, unplug the
blower from the GFCI outlet under your tub. Ensure that the black cable is securely fastened to the back of the keypad as well as the back
side of the blower. The black cable needs to be plugged into the far right opening as you are facing the back of the blower. Look into the plug
on the cable and confirm there are no bent pins inside the plug. Plug the blower back into the GFCI outlet. Reset the keypad by pressing and
holding the top two buttons simultaneously for 10 seconds. If the reset was successful, all of the lights on the keypad should be off after the
initialization sequence concludes.
How do I adjust the speed of the bubbles on my air tub?
The speed adjustment is located on your keypad. Press and hold the + or – keys to increase or decrease the speed of the bubbles.
Why is my air blower not running at an even speed?
Jetta air tubs come standard with three modes. Pressing the blower button on your keypad once will give you Continuous Mode. Pressing
the blower button twice will give you Pulse Mode. Pressing the blower button three times will give you Wave Mode.
Why does my air blower turn on after I am out of the bath?
Jetta air tubs come equipped with an automatic purge or dry cycle. This keeps the injector lines clean and dry. The cycle is initiated
automatically 20 minutes after use and has a cycle time of 2 minutes.
Should I run the purge cycle even if I do not use the air blower?
Yes. Jetta recommends that you turn the blower on then back off to set the purge cycle to ensure that the lines stay clean and dry.
What should I do if the light in my air tub will not turn on?
The light on air or combo tubs is operated by the keypad. Check to ensure that the gray cable coming from the back of the light cup is
plugged into the middle outlet on the back of the blower.
If unit is within the limited factory warranty, contact Jetta Corporation at (800) 288-7771 with your
purchasing information on hand so we may serve you better.
Visit WWW.JETTACORP.COM/FAQs for additional troubleshooting tips.