Jason International, Inc. •
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Copyright © 2011 Jason International.
Jason’s Standard Edition MicroSIlk-AirMasseur system
features the best in luxury bathing for the leisure bath industry.
To assure that your bath functions properly, the MicroSilk
and blower control boxes must be properly connected.
NOTe: For 120v systems, the power cord for
the MicroSilk control box must be plugged into a
120v, 20 amp GFCI dedicated circuit. The power
cord for the AirMasseur control box must be
plugged into a 120v, 15 amp GFCI dedicated circuit.
thE AiRmAssEuR cOntROL
The Blower and Keypad must be plugged into the proper
receptacles for correct operation of the MicroSilk-AirMasseur
system. See
Figure 10
for connections: (F) 8-pin mini-DIN
terminal for the MicroSilk-AirMasseur keypad. The power
cord for the blower control box (K) must be connected into
the proper GFCI dedicated circuit for the system (see note
above). (I) Pre-Wired power cord from blower to the control box
(H). (E) Six-pin mini-DIN terminal for optional LED light.
thE micROsiLk cOntROL
The MicroSilk Unit and Water Level/Vacuum Sensor must be
plugged into the proper receptacles for correct operation of
the system. See
Figure 10
for connections: (A) The power
cord for the MicroSilk pump control box must be plugged into
the proper GFCI dedicated circuit for the system (see note
above). (C) The MicroSilk pump’s power cord will need to be
plugged into the control box (B). Refer to the ELECTRICAL
section of this manual for connecting the pump
to the control
box. (D) Two-pin terminal for installation of the water sensor/
vacuum switch to the MicroSilk control box.
stAnDARD EDitiOn micROsiLk-AiRmAssEuR
pARts List
MicroSilk Pump Unit
MicroSilk Control Box
Blower Control Box
Control Box Stand
Water Level/Vacuum Sensor
Keypad Cable
-AiRmAssEuR cOntROL bOx cOnnEctiOns
stAnDARD EDitiOn micROsiLk
Jason’s Premier Edition MicroSilk-AirMasseur system incor-
porates all the features of the Standard Edition system and
includes the benefits of an ozone sanitation system, and an LED
Chromatherapy light. To assure that your bath functions properly,
the equipment control boxes must be properly connected.
NOTe: For 120v systems, the power cord for the MicroSilk
control box must be plugged into a 120v, 20 amp GFCI
dedicated circuit. The power cord for the AirMasseur
control box must be plugged into a 120v, 15 amp GFCI
dedicated circuit.
thE AiRmAssuER cOntROL
The Blower and Keypad must be plugged into the proper
receptacles for correct operation of the MicroSilk-AirMasseur
system. See
Figure 10
for connections: (F) 8-pin mini-DIN
terminal for the MicroSilk-AirMasseur keypad. The power
cord for the blower control box (K) must be connected into
the proper GFCI dedicated circuit for the system (see note
above). Pre-Wired power cord from blower (I) and ozone unit
(G) to the control box (H). (E) Six-pin mini-DIN terminal for
optional LED light.
thE micROsiLk cOntROL
The MicroSilk Unit and Water Level/Vacuum Sensor must
be plugged into the proper receptacles for correct operation
of the system. See Figure 10 for connections: (A) The power
cord for the MicroSilk pump control box must be plugged into
the proper GFCI dedicated circuit for the system (see note
above). (C) The MicroSilk pump’s power cord will need to be
plugged into the control box (B). Refer to the ELECTRICAL
section of this manual for connecting the pump to the control
box. (D) Two-pin terminal for installation of the water sensor
to the MicroSilk control box.
This diagram (Figure 11) also applies to 50 hz,
240v equipment, controls, and power supply systems.
except that the MicroSilk and blower junction boxes
must be connected into one dedicated 240v, 20 Amp
GFCI circuit.
pREmiER EDitiOn micROsiLk
Figure 10
This diagram (
Figure 10
) also applies to 50 Hz,
240v equipment, controls, and power supply systems.
Except that the MicroSilk and blower junction boxes must
be connected into one dedicated 240v, 20 Amp GFCI