800-DI14 module
3.3 Intended use
The module / component
·is only for use in the industrial sector.
·is intended as an expansion module for the
UMG 801 basic device in switchboard cabinets and
small distribution boards.
·must only be mounted with a basic device that is
disconnected from the power supply (see Sect. “4.
Mounting” on p. 18).
More information on certain functions of the basic
device with modules can be found in the usage
information of the basic device.
The basic device and the modules are
for installation:
·In vehicles! Use of the basic device with modules in
non-stationary equipment is considered an excep-
tional environmental condition and is only permissi-
ble by special agreement.
·In environments with harmful oils, acids, gases,
vapors, dusts, radiation, etc.
·In potentially explosive environments.
3.4 Overview of module functions
Functions of the 800-DI14 module:
·14 additional digital inputs.
·Detects an input signal at U = min. 18 V and max.
28 V DC (typically at 4 mA) or I = min. 0.5 mA and
max. 6 mA.
3.5 EU/UKCA Declaration of Conformity
Please see the EU/UKCA declarations of conformity
posted at www.janitza.de for the laws, standards and
directives applied by Janitza electronics GmbH for
the devices. The EU/UKCA conformity of the device
permits the marking CE/UKCA.
3.6 FCC Declaration of Conformity
The device:
·complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules for Class
B digital devices (limits to protect against harmful
interference in a residential installation).
·generates, uses and can radiate high-frequency
·can cause harmful interference to radio communi-
cations if not installed and used properly. There is
no guarantee that interference will not occur in a
particular installation.
If there is radio or television reception interference,
which can be determined by turning the device on
and off, proceed as follows:
·Align or reposition the receiving antenna.
·Increase the distance between the device and the
radio/television receiver.
·Connect the device and the radio/television receiver
in different circuits.
·if necessary, contact Janitza support or a radio/tele-
vision technician.
Code of Federal Regulations, Title 47, Part 15, Sub-
part B - Unintentional Radiators.
3.7 Transformers
It is not permitted to use the outputs of Janitza
measurement devices, components and modules for
switching protective devices or protective relays! Use
only "Current transformers for measuring purposes"
for Janitza measurement devices, components and