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Pixel Sensitivity Correction
Correct variations between the sensor’s pixels
. Calibration must be performed within the
camera and correction data must be created beforehand. DSNU (PixelBlackCorrect) / PRNU
(PixelGainCorrect) can be reduced using that correction data. We recommend performing
calibration and creating correction data whenever the line rate setting or Analog base gain
setting or vertical binning setting are changed significantly.
*) Correction data is saved for DSNU (PixelBlackCorrect) / PRNU (PixelGainCorrect) according
to the conditions adjusted at the factory.
*) A single correction data entry can be saved on the camera for each user.When calibration
is performed, the correction data is saved to the non-volatile ROM at the same time.
PRNU Correction (Pixel Gain Correct)
PRNU (photo response non-uniformity) is a variation between pixels generated by the sensor
under bright conditions. If the line rate is slowed or a long exposure time is set, the dark
current in the sensor may change and the state of the PRNU may change.
DSNU Correction (Pixel Black Correct)
DSNU (dark signal non-uniformity) is a variation between pixels in the dark areas generated
by the sensor. If the line rate is slowed or a long exposure time is set, the dark current in the
sensor may change and the state of the DSNU may change.
Black level
[Correction procedure]
1. Specify the user area to save the gain correction value with [PixelGainCorrectionMode] of
2. Gain correction data is automatically generated by [CalibratePixelGainCorrection] of
[Correction] and saved in the user area specified in 1.
3. You can check the execution result of gain correction by [PixelGainCalibrationResult] of
[Correction procedure]
1. Specify the user area to save the black level correction value with
[PixelBlackCorrectionMode] of [Correction].
2. Black level correction data is automatically generated by [CalibratePixelBlackCorrection] in
[Correction] and saved in the user area specified in 1.
3. You can check the execution result of black level correction by [PixelBlackCalibrationResult]
of [Correction].