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Setting functions
8.2.1 Output mode (Command IS)
AD-081CL has two imagers and this function selects synchronized output for both
imagers or individual output for each imager. This function should be set at first.
IS=0 is synchronous output and IS=1 is separate output.
8.2.2 Trigger input select (Command TI1 and TI2)
This function selects the trigger input to be through Camera Link (TI1/TI2 =0), or as TTL
through the 12-pin Hirose connector (TI1/TI2 =1).
Trigger mode (Command TR1 and TR2)
This can select continuous mode (0), PS (1) or PW (2).
Trigger polarity (Command TP1 and TP2)
The active trigger polarity is normally low (TP1/TP2 =0). It can be inverted to active
high (TP1/TP2 =1).
8.2.5 Smearless (Command SL1 and SL2)
This command selects Smear ON (1) or OFF (0).
8.2.6 Scan Format (Command SC1 and SC2)
4 scan formats, full scan, 1/2 partial, 1/4 partial or 1/8 partial scan can be selected by
this command.
8.2.7 Gain Master level (Command GA1 and GA2)
GA1/GA2 =0 is 0dB gain, which is the normal working point. The range is from -3 dB to
+12 dB.
8.2.8 AGC select (Command AGC1 and AGC2)
Select AGC ON (1) or OFF (0).
8.2.9 Setup-Y (Command BLY1 and BLY 2)
Valid range for settings is -128 to 256
The black level for 10-bit output is set at 32 LSB and that for 8-bit output is set at 8 LSB.
Load and Save functions
The following commands are for storing and loading camera settings in the camera EEPROM.
Load settings.
This command will load previously stored settings to the camera. 3 user settings can be stored
in the camera EEPROM. 1 factory setting is also stored in the camera. The settings stored in the
last used user area are used as default settings at power up.
Save Settings.
This command will store the actual camera settings to 1 of the 3 user areas in the camera
If received, the camera will return
the last used user area number.