For Your Safe Flight
Page 5
Normalize and Percentage View Indicators
Percentage view: when there is a dash — near the
at the top of
the display (EDM-700) or
is not lighted (EDM-800), the
columns indicate percent of EGT red line. Each column is
composed of a stack of segments. A maximum height column
depicts 100 % of red line and a one segment-high column depicts
50 % of red line. For example, if the red line is 1650°F, a
maximum height column represents 1650°F and a one segment-
high column represents half that value, or 825°F. The
Percentage view
permits comparison of EGTs
across all
cylinders. Hotter cylinders display higher columns than cooler
Normalize view: when there is a dash _ near the
at the top of
the display (EDM-700) or the letters
on the left
side (EDM-800), the EGT columns are displayed normalized.
When you change to the Normalize view, all column peaks are
set to the same half-height level for trend analysis. Any changes
are shown as an increase or decrease in column height.
A one-
segment change in column height represents a 10°F change
The Normalize view permits rapid visualization of EGT
rather than a percentage of red line. You should use normalize in
level cruise and run-up.
To toggle between Percentage and the Normalize views, hold the
button for five seconds until the display changes.
The analog display
becomes half height and the display changes to the Normalize view.
Selecting the Normalize view does not affect the digital display nor alter
the parameter sequence. The CHT display—described later—is not
affected by the Normalize or Percentage view.
You may select the Normalize view in either the Manual or Automatic
mode. Normalize view is most helpful for engine trend monitoring of
each cylinder’s operation. For example using the Normalize view during
engine run-up, a fouled spark plug will appear as a higher column.
A common misapplication is to be in the Normalize view and then
change your power setting, causing all columns to go off scale, high or
low. Set to the Percentage view before adding or reducing power.
Always set Percentage View when beginning your descent.