number of heads
write precom
LANDZONE landing zone
number of sectors
mode type
If a ha rd disk ha s not been insta lled Select NONE a nd press <Enter>.
The ca tegory identifies the types of floppy disk drive A or drive B tha t ha ve been
insta lled in the computer.
No floppy drive insta lled
360K, 5.25 in
5-1/4 inch PC-type sta nda rd drive; 360 kilobyte ca pa city
1.2M, 5.25 in
5-1/4 inch AT-type high-density drive; 1.2 mega byte ca pacity
720K, 3.5 in
3-1/2 inch double-sided drive; 720 kilobyte ca pa city
1.44M, 3.5 in
3-1/2 inch double-sided drive; 1.44 mega byte ca pa city
2.88M, 3.5 in
3-1/2 inch double-sided drive; 2.88 mega byte ca pa city
The ca tegory selects the type of video a da pter used for the prima ry system
monitor. Although seconda ry monitors a re supported, you do not ha ve to select
the type in Setup.
Enha nced Gra phics Ada pter/Video Gra phics Arra y. For EGA,
VGA, SEGA, SVGA or PGA monitor a da pters.
CGA 40
Color Gra phics Ada pter, power up in 40 column mode
CGA 80
Color Gra phics Ada pter, power up in 80 column mode
Monochrome a da pter, includes high resolution monochrome
a da pters
The ca tegory determines whether the computer will stop if a n error is detected
during power up.
No errors
Whenever the BIOS detects a non-fa ta l error the system
will be stopped a nd you will be prompted.
Drive A Type /
Drive B Type
Error Halt