The system will boot, but a ccess to Setup will be denied if the
correct pa ssword is not entered a t the prompt.
To disa ble security, select PASSWORD SETTING a t Ma in Menu a nd
then you will be a sked to enter pa ssword. Do not type a nything a nd
just press <Enter>, it will disa ble security. Once the security is
disa bled, the system will boot a nd you ca n enter Setup freely.
This item a llows you to a ccess the memory tha t over 64MB in OS/ 2.
The choice: Non-OS2, OS2.
It determines whether the MPEG ISA/VESA VGA Ca rds ca n work with
PCI/VGA or not.
Ena bled
When PCI/VGA working with MPEG ISA/VESA VGA Ca rd.
Disa bled
When PCI/VGA not working with MPEG ISA/VESA VGA Ca rd.
Determines whether video BIOS will be copied to RAM. However, it is
optiona l depending on chipset design. Video Sha dow will increa se the video
Ena bled
Video sha dow is ena bled
Disa bled
Video sha dow is disa bled
These ca tegories determine whether option ROMs will be copied to RAM. An
exa mple of such option ROM would be support of on -boa rd SCSI.
Ena bled
Optiona l sha dow is ena bled
Disa bled
Optiona l sha dow is disa bled
OS Select for
DRAM > 64
PCI / VGA Palette
Video BIOS
C8000 - CBFFF